Wellness Modalities

Integrative & Holistic Services for Connecting to oneself, one another & a larger sense of purpose.

focusing on connection

We have found that there is a disconnect between leadership styles and a millennial workforce that is strongly expressing its desire to be seen, heard, valued and inspired. Numa was created to help bridge this communication gap to create an inspired, connected and collaborative workplace culture.

01 — Restorative Sound Baths

Our sound baths provide the ideal environment for you to explore your own energy. Our bodies are naturally self-organizing and are always working to bring you back to a state of harmony and balance. Through the use of powerful sound frequencies as well as intention, breath and meditation, we work with our bodies as they bring up exactly what we need to navigate life with less stress, more peace and a greater sense of our interconnected nature.

02 — Fun Breathwork

We use fun, simple and short breathing practices to reset and train our nervous system to recognize stressful, relaxed, focused and energized states of being. As we become familiar with these states, we learn to consciously shift between these different states to access the support we need in any situation.

03 — Energy Series Workshops

These 1-2 hour events begin with an exercise to connect with the people in the room Then there is a brief educational component that blends science and spirituality and explores our relationship to energy. We learn how it relates to us personally, how it affects our relationships with others, and how it is influenced by our connection to a greater reality. The majority of the event is experiential as we learn to work with intention, sound, breath, meditation, and movement. The workshops all conclude with an integration process that helps understand the experience and identify ways you can apply what you learned in your life.

04 — Breakthrough Coaching

We help you transform stress, anxiety and burnout into a more meaningful, purposeful life that you are excited to live. We start by looking at the challenges you are facing. As we discuss desired outcomes, we look at vision, strategy, mindset, and energy levels. Through this process we explore powerful questions that create awareness around the energetic patterns that are creating your life the way it is. We identify the source of these patterns as well as new patterns you want to create. And then we establish these healthy new patterns as your default response to life. The outcome is a more authentic and empowered connection to yourself and all the relationships in your life. These changes are powerfully supported by energetic practices that keep you feeling your best.

05 — Sleep Counseling

A certified sleep science coach helps with sleep hygiene and developing healthier sleep patterns. As a result, mood improves, heart health improves, brain function and clarity are improved and weight management is easier and more successful.

& more.

Stress less, connect more, feel better.